How to Get Prepared for the Day You Move House – 5 Practical Steps

Relocating is a big step that comes with emotional excitement and stress, but moving day is arguably one of the most anticipated days. However, in the case of relocating to Singapore, this task can be made easy and efficient when given prior care and attention. In order to help with your nerves, we’ve prepared a few points to focus on the necessary preparations before moving day in Singapore. For more assistance and a personalized plan, you can request a quote from professionals at with ease, and it will make your move even easier.

  1. Get Rid of Stuff You Don’t Want and Don’t Use

A moving day is a day that is filled with activities such as planning as well. This would include undertaking tasks such as decluttering if your budget permits it. Go through your items and determine what to keep, give away, or throw away.


If this is done prior, the resources that need to be deployed during the moving activity are reduced in both cost and workforce requirements due to the fewer items to be moved. With a good moving company such as, you will guarantee that the only sorts of things that get to your apartment are the ones that you want and only the essentials.

  1. Gather Packing Supplies and Start Packing in Advance

Packing materials like tape, markers, bubble wrap, and boxes should be prepared at least two weeks before the actual day of the move. Miscellaneous items, such as off-season clothing, books, and knickknacks, should be packed first. Tag each box according to the room to avoid confusion during unboxing. Taking some time and effort on this will greatly help you avoid any rush on the moving day.

  1. Disconnect Utilities and Relocate Address

In Singapore, the utility providers have to be called in advance so that the movable options of utility types like electric, water, and internet can be scheduled before and after the move day. Other than that, the address also needs to be changed on the accounts held with banks, institutions, and subscriptions. Organizing these things beforehand makes sure that at the time of the move, the necessary utilities in the new place are waiting and that the mail is received at the right address.

  1. Prepare an Essentials Box 

The essentials box is something that should not be missed every time one is moving. This should include items that are essential and are needed as soon as one gets to the new place, such as personal hygiene items, additional clothes, important papers, mobile chargers, food, and few, if any, sanitary items. This box should be kept in sight throughout the moving process so that there is no need to hunt for what is in the already sealed boxes after the arrival.

  1. Confirm Details with Your Moving Company 

Getting closer to your move, we recommend you call your moving company about some details:

  • When they will arrive.
  • Where they will park their vehicles.
  • Whether there are any comments.

Have you decided on the time of the move? It is better to ask for a quote from House Movers Singapore if you would like to have a bespoke service plan. Moving is much easier when someone else does the moving of big objects, loads keeps fragile things and delivers everything.

Key Takeaways

Getting ready for moving day in Singapore can be a smooth task. Following these key steps will mean you are more organized, manage your stress levels better, and have a more efficient time relocating to the new residence. With a moving service such as House Movers Singapore, one can be more relaxed about how the things one values are moved and what matters is settling into the new place.

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